The technical organizational integration of new networks and
security solutions into current system environments is subject to risk;
a challenge only be attempted by experts. Current data flow cycles
should not really be interrupted and then only briefly. That means
there is very little time available on location and everything has to
be done quickly and without any hitches. With the help of ASAPCOM
Integration Services the implementation risks on location and the time
for installation are minimized.
Part of the integration service is the so called ‘staging’. That
means that before the products and solutions are delivered to the
customer they are first given a trial run in the ASAPCOM laboratory and
prepared for their assignment with the customer. This includes the
entire configuration. In the event that the integration prerequisites
are very demanding, then a model of the component parts of the
enterprises’ network will be built. The solution will then be adjusted
in the laboratory for test purposes.
The introduction of new techniques and processes in the company
in many cases leads to a change in current work routines. Training is
given to the respective personnel to prepare them for these changes.